Getting Closer to Publication

It’s Celebrate The Small Things Day. Something I’ve achieved each week, no matter how small. If you’re interested in doing the same thing sign up here at Vicki’s blog. But before I launch into my celebratin’ I want to thank Vicki for having created a way for me to keep a hand in blogging while I sort through what is turning out to be a crazy-making journey to getting my memoir Loveyoubye published.

What I want to celebrate today is getting to the end of the second round of proofs. It was grueling, because I really want it to be mistake-free. Sure, the manuscript has been proofed by a professional, but hey, everyone makes mistakes. And now this second round is up to me (a friend helped). So there I was scouring every page for misplaced commas, correctly hyphenated words (“black-and-white eight by ten”–is that right?), missed corrections, spacing between words.

This time the photos had been inserted. Very weird actually seeing parts of your life on the page. Maybe that’s what made me come undone (again) at the thought that in just six months, me and mine are going to be . . . <gulp> Out There.

Okay, let’s get back to celebrating. That friend I mentioned above who helped me proof Loveyoubye . . . She loved it! The first pair of eyes other than my reader, my editor and SWP to read my story. Whoo-ya!

18 thoughts on “Getting Closer to Publication

  1. Thanks my friend. Yeah, I thought to stick in all the hyphens, but the CMS says something about hyphenating the words before a noun. Hell, I don’t know. Thanks for weighing in. Again.

  2. Congratulations, Rossandra. It’s amazing how long the editing process takes, isn’t it? It seemed to go on forever for my book. Even after the pro’s were finished I had to make more changes. Good Luck. It sounds interesting!

  3. I recently finished my editing rounds for my eBook that’ll be coming out next year, so I can relate! As most writers can. I was looking so closely at my writing that I started to criticize every time I used the words “then” and “which”. Finally, I realized I had to let it go. We always want our books to be perfect, but “perfect” isn’t even real. If there is a tiny error, you’re book is still going to be great! 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for letting me know you ended up becoming obsessed over the words then and which. Makes me feel so much better. Love the subsequent comments (re your typos), just proves we’re in the same boat!

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