Ethics For a Whole World

I just have to share this excerpt from the Dalai Lama’s forthcoming book, Beyond Religion: Ethics For the Whole World.

“. . . Any religion-based answer to the problem of our neglect of inner values can never be universal, and so will be inadequate.  What we need today is an approach to ethics which makes no recourse to religion and can be equally acceptable to those with faith and those without: secular ethics.  This statement may seem strange coming from someone who from a very early age has lived as a monk in robes. Yet I see no contradiction here.  My faith enjoins me to strive for the welfare and benefit of all sentient beings, and reaching out beyond my own tradition, to those of other religions and those of none, is entirely in keeping with this.

I am confident that it is both possible and worthwhile to attempt a new secular approach to universal ethics.  My confidence comes from my conviction that all of us, all human beings, are basically inclined or disposed toward what we perceive to be good.  Whatever we do, we do because we think it will be of some benefit.  At the same time, we all appreciate the kindness of others.  We are all, by nature, oriented toward the basic human values of love and compassion.  We prefer the love of others to their hatred. We all prefer others’ generosity to their meanness. And who among us does not prefer tolerance, respect and forgiveness of our failings to bigotry, disrespect and resentment?

In view of this, I am of the firm opinion that we have within our grasp a way, and a means, to ground inner values without contradicting any religion and yet, crucially, without depending on religion.  The development and practice of this new system of ethics is what I propose to elaborate in the course of this book. It is my hope that doing so will help to promote understanding of the need for ethical awareness and inner values in this age of excessive materialism.

At the outset, I should make it clear that my intention is not to dictate moral values.  Doing that would be of no benefit.  To try to impose moral principles from outside, to impose them, as it were, by commands, can never be effective.  Instead, I call for each of us to come to our own understanding of the importance of inner values. For it is these inner values which are the source of both an ethically harmonious world and the individual peace of mind, confidence and happiness we all seek. Of course, all the world’s major religions, with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance and forgiveness, can and do promote inner values. But the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate.   This is why I believe the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics that is beyond religion.”