Yoga By The Whale

It’s Celebrate The Small Things Day. Something I’ve achieved each week, no matter how small. If you’re interested in doing the same thing sign up here at Vicki’s blog.  This week I want to do more than celebrate, I want to extoll–from the Latin extollere, to praise, to lift up. I want to praise because I’ve been lifted up.

Yoga in The Park

So what am I going on about? “Yoga By The Whale,” a donation-based one-hour class led by the lovely, graceful Chanel that takes place at 9:15 in the morning, seven days a week in the little grass amphitheater behind “The Whale” sculpture you see in the photo.  Now keep in mind this area is on a bluff overlooking the ocean in Laguna Beach. Accompanied by the squawk of seagulls wheeling above, and the crash of waves below, this is where we glide through our asanas.

At the end, as we settle into Savasana–a relaxing posture intended to rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit–Chanel hands out eucalyptus-dampened hand towels which we place over our faces while she walks around spraying us lightly with lavender or lemongrass scented water. Aaah.

And here’s the bonus. Chanel donates part of her proceeds to Save The Bees.