5-Day Positivity Challenge–Day 1

Karen Hogenauer, my chassis-shaking, booty-bopping friend tagged me to participate in The 5-Day Positivity Challenge. For five days, I have to write three positive things about my life on my Facebook wall, as well as tag three friends to do the same. I’m going to run with this. For one thing, I have so much to appreciate, and for another I’m going to use this as an opportunity to get back into blogging. For all those people I tag as I go along, you DO NOT have to blog, just post on Facebook.


Here goes:

1. The way the sunlight illuminates my bonsai Horton-Hears-A-Who Bottle Palm in the morning, (no, it’s not really called that, I just made up the name–looks like those trees in Dr. Seuss’s book, don’t you think?).

2. Whole Foods $1 oyster sale yesterday. Yess!! Only thing, I didn’t have any fresh horseradish, and the brine was missing.  Maybe it was because the guy shucked the oysters and then placed them on ice, which melted by the time I got to them that evening, drowning the oysters. Next time, I’ll eat them right away.

3. The War on Drugs song, Lost in a Dream.



Five Sentence Challenge: Empty

Five Sentence Fiction is a weekly writing challenge made possible by Lillie McFerrin in which to tell a story in just five sentences, a story that packs a powerful punch in a tiny fist. The word does not have to appear in those five sentences, it’s just for direction. If you’d like to learn more about what it’s all about, and maybe give it a try yourself, visit Lillie McFerrin Writes. This week’s prompt is EMPTY. (I managed it in three sentences this time.)

It was the sight of the empty bottle of her precious guava juice that made her snap, that last mouthful she’d been thinking about all day at a job she hated, the one thing she could trust that would be there for her, the one line her wife didn’t cross in their marriage.

She’d negotiated the precipitous canyons of marriage to the world’s most beautiful woman, her occasional men, her lying, her empty eyes, that empty but oh so beautiful smile, being taken for granted. But in the end it came down to juice.

Blogging Fool

F is For Foolish, as in foolish me. You see I’m about to launch into the 2012 WordCount Blogathon for the month of May and I’m using the A to Z challenge format to get me going again (that was fun, if a little stressful).

I found out about the blogathon on Julie Farrar’s delightful blog, Travelling Through. I thought it would be a terrific way to document my trip back to the past via England where I paid a visit to my old chum, Joan, from our lives in Zambia. (She’ll be commenting, who are you calling old, you just watch and see). Plus, Michelle V. Rafter, who hosts the blogathon has theme days: May 7th “Five movies that have inspired my blogging,” don’t know about that, but hey, I’m game. May 14th, “Guest Post Exchange Day.” May 21st, Haiku Day. I love  haikus, never written one. But I shall. May 23rd, finish the phrase–If I started blogging today I would . . . Hmmm. Stay tuned. Hopefully, I can stay the course  while finishing my final edit on my memoir, Loveyoubye.  And everything else.

A to Z Blogging Challenge

Don’t you just love this picture? That’s why I decided to take on the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge; it was the picture. Me and dogs, you know how it is? Actually, I’m excited about this venture. Starting with “A” I have to post a blog every day in April, except Sundays. From the letters “O” through “X” (April 17-27th) I’ll be in Morland, a little village in Cumbria, UK, to visit my childhood chums, Joan and Donna, from my life in Africa from a long, long, long time ago. More on that in another blog. Should be interesting, don’t you think?