Can’t chat for long my computer crashed five days ago saved most of it bought a Mac haven’t a clue got a reading next week up in Berkeley with my She Writes Press sisters did the whole {pages} thing on Thursday night remember the cool bookstore in Manhattan Beach it was cool very cool not many people though they all had to be on the freeway took Dawn another SWP author and I two hours to go 58.8 miles made us late for pre-reading dinner at Little Sister that anti-fusion restaurant across the street from {pages} Holy Moly was that the best ever I’m going back shitty traffic and all and I will sit there and eat everything on the menu Meanwhile it’s the first day of summer and you know what that means in Laguna Beach; cars creeping up the canyon past my house while I sit here all smug, well, a little panicky, so much to do, along with cooking up a very bold plan for publicizing my book. )Getting great reviews.)
The pic’s from {pages} I’m the shrimp in the middle in case you didn’t know