What a Year It Has Been!

It’s Loveyoubye’s first anniversary today!

Me, Pete, Janeen, Dawn

It has been an entire year since I hit the stage at Laguna Beach Books clutching my fresh-off the press memoir, Loveyoubye. There I sat with bad hair, (perfectly reflecting my fear-filled chaotic thoughts), feeling as if I were about to be dashed on some invisible rocks below. I am a bushbaby after all, more comfortable in the wilds and anonymity of the Zambian bush. Instead, it turned out be one of the most exciting experiences of my life. Call it an “emergence,” if you will. You can read all about it here.

Since then my journey with Loveyoubye has been exhilarating, life-affirming and exhausting (it takes a lot to get a book noticed!). Along the way, I’ve made some wonderful new friends. And then as a bonus, during the last six weeks, Loveyoubye has received three awards: Feathered Quill’s Silver Award for memoir, finalist in Forewords’ IndieFab Book of the Year, and finalist in the International Beverley Hills Book Awards.

Looking ahead, on April 18th, I’ll be at The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, on the USC campus in Los Angeles, meeting and greeting, and signing books. I’m really looking forward to it. The festival is a book lover’s dream, and this year I’ll actually be a part of it.

Meanwhile, I’m charging ahead with getting my novel, Monkey’s Wedding published. It’s all spiffed up and making the rounds of agents and publishers. Mine Dances, the sequel, is next. I’ve got to ramp it up a bit after all those changes I made to Monkey’s Wedding.

What I’m really looking forward to though, is starting something new. I’ve got a couple of ideas gestating. Onward!

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